Weeknotes 21

by Clive Walker in Life

What are the chances?!

A few weeks ago, my coworker friend Matt Ide and I watched a recording of Later with Jools at Maidstone Studios after Matt was lucky enough to win two tickets in the ticket ballot. After that show, I entered the ballot for the next few shows … not really expecting to get tickets because the ballot is very, very popular. Amazingly, I found out last week that I have got tickets for this week’s show. How lucky is that? I’m a bit gobsmacked to be honest because I know that you can wait years to get tickets. Thank you BBC!

Work stuff

I’m still not as busy as I would like but I started a new project this week. The work is solving a few CSS problems with an intranet site and making the site look like the public-facing site. So far, it’s been a couple of hours work and I expect about 3-4 in total.

I was expecting to start a new web design project with an existing client but that’s not starting until August now.


I’m away on a two day cycling trip in a few weeks. It’s a group of friends and we cycle at a slowish pace. Most of the others on the trip don’t do much cycle training beforehand but I still like to train for the trips by riding some longer rides. On Sunday, I cycled a circular route from Horsham to Ashington and back which was 33 miles in total. More importantly, it was 2.5 hours in the saddle and that’s definitely the acclimatisation I need. I was pleased with the ride and I felt OK for the whole route. Another ride next weekend I hope.

In other news ….

I had my house valued last weekend. It was a realistic appraisal and the figure was roughly what I expected. I’m getting another for comparison but it will be similar I’m sure. After that, will have a think about what I want to do.

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