Weeknotes 23 - Happy Birthday to Me!

by Clive Walker in Life

Me, my sister Lynette and the cake!
Me, my sister Lynette and the cake!

Last week, my coworking friends Matt and Roger and my sister Lynette and a few other friends organised a surprise birthday party for me.

I was a bit gobsmacked but it was a great evening and it was fab to see people from different parts of my life in the same pub at the same time. Even my 87 year-old Mum came to the pub …. and she never normally does that! She must have enjoyed it though because she’s not stopped talking about it since!

I was even more gobsmacked when Matt Ide made a speech with a poem he’d written. I definitely wasn’t expecting that! It was very funny however.

Many, many thanks for everyone who took part in this. And thank you for the cards and presents. I had a great evening!

A few photos of the evening

My sister Lynette and Mum
My sister Lynette and Mum
Matt, me and Roger
Matt, me and Roger
Me, Mum and Alan
Me, Mum and Alan
Me, Mum, Lynette and Alan
Me, Mum, Lynette and Alan
My friends Brian and Jackie and me
My friends Brian and Jackie and me
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