
by Clive Walker in Work

The last two months have been very busy in my freelance web designer and developer role. Three medium-large projects and some smaller jobs as well.

I’ve completed two new sites:

Both sites use Perch for their content managment.

… and worked on a redesign/development of:

The new site is a big improvement on older version. I recoded all pages to make it more streamlined to work on and created a new, more modern layout. The ecommerce software was also updated.

I’ve also completed a number of smaller jobs for new and existing clients. One of these is ongoing and is a redesign, or rather retheme, of a WordPress site where I’m using a third party Genesis framework/StudioPress theme. I’ve been very impressed with it. It has a lot of flexibility.

I’ve also been impressed with WordPress Gutenberg editor on the retheme project. I’ve read a lot of things about the new editor but I liked it and it worked very well.

In other news, I’ve also worked on an older site that still uses tables for layout. The client seems to do well out of the site and perhaps that’s a motivation for not changing. Of course, they might do a lot better if their site was more modern and worked better on mobile devices.

This is a bit of a short post but it’s only meant to be a brief summary of recent months.

See you next time.

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